In the second episode of Scent of Speech.. minarets and minbars of the world compete for the most beautiful voice in the call to prayer and the recitation of the Holy Quran

second episode of Scent of Speech

Saudi Arabia, 2 Ramadan/3 April 2022 Today, in the second episode of Otr Elkalam (Scent of Speech) TV show, the qualifiers for the international Holy Quran and call to prayer competition, which is organized by the General Entertainment Authority, started. The competition system, members of the jury and the criteria for evaluating the performance of […]

In Otr Elkalam… the world listens to the call to prayer of Quba Mosque

Quba Mosque

Saudi Arabia, 6 Ramadan 1443, 7 April 2022 The sixth episode of the qualifiers for the international Holy Quran and call to prayer competition in Otr Elkalam (Scent of Speech) TV show witnessed delivering the call to prayer in the same way that it is delivered in the Quba Mosque, the first mosque to be […]

In Otr Elkalam.. doctors, real estate agents and teachers of art compete to qualify for the quarter-finals of the international Holy Quran and call to prayer competition

Quran and call to prayer competition

Saudi Arabia, 7 Ramadan 1443, 8 April 2022 The international Holy Quran and call to prayer competition, organized by the General Entertainment Authority (GEA), introduced unique stories about the contestants who came from different countries to participate in the competition in its two branches of Holy Quran recitation and call to prayer. The competition includes […]